

10 ADHD lies and how to stop believing them

By Roxanne Pink and Richard Pink

On how people with ADHD talk down on themselves. The format is genius. Ten lies, for each Roxes version from the inside, and then Rich’s on how to be a support.

It is targeted to people with ADHD and their loved ones, and that is probably where it makes the most sense. But I seriously think it could be useful for everyone living in a society build for people not like them. And not only for loved ones, but everyone who tries to get an ADHDer or someone on the S in ASD to thrive.

If you want to do trauma aware management, in a workplace with people who are brilliant, but have a very uneven level of function. This might help you understand how they might be affected from the world teaching them to focus on the lows. We have a norm about what being adult and professional includes, that could cost you some of the best employees possible. It might be that the most important accommodation you can give, is to truly value them and make certain they know it every day. This book explains why.

The audiobook is awesome, it might be the best 6.5 h investment of your life. (Not including the time required for crying and having important talks with your people.)